Winemakers Quotes

Here is what some of the winemakers have to say about Barossa Daimler Tours...

"A special indulgence, made even better by John's insider knowledge and friendships." 
Charlie Melton, Charles Melton Wines

"It is always a great pleasure to welcome John... such a professional private tour operator and a smiling face."
Helen and Grant Burge, Grant Burge Wines

"The service is outstanding, with that touch of class."
Jeffrey Grosset, Grosset Wines

"Pure class!"
Prue and Stephen Henschke, Henschke Wines

"John provides visitors with an intimate knowledge of Barossa wineries. A must for the true wine explorer!"
Kym Jenke, Jenke Vineyards

"There is nothing to compare with the stylish John Baldwin in his impeccable Daimler.  An experience not to be forgotten!"
Stephanie Toole, Mt Horrocks Wine

"John's car and exclusive service is second to none!"
Peter and Margaret Lehmann Wines

"Trevor Jones Fine Wines are proud to be associated with Barossa Daimler Tours.  A warm hearted chap with a wealth of knowledge on wine and the Barossa.  The best of the best!"
Trevor Jones Fine Wines